Saturday, October 8, 2011

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Book: The Four Introductory Theories of Fiqh Muamalat

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Author: Abdullaah Jalil, Asharaf Mohd. Ramli and Syahidawati Shahwan 
Year: 2011, 2014 (The above picture)
Title: The four introductory theories of fiqh Muamalat
ISBN: 978-967-10299-0-9
Price per unit: RM35.00

This book is designed to be the introductory part of Fiqh al-Mucamalat by discussing the most basic concepts that should be learned before the discussion of Mucamalat contracts starts. 

The discussion begins with the explanation of the Fiqh al-Mucamalat terms, its position in the Sharicah and the Sharicah doctrines related to the Mucamalat matters. 
Then, it discusses the four introductory theories of Fiqh al-Mucamalat in details. The four theories are: 
(i) The theory of legal capacity (al-ahliyyah), 
(ii) The theory of property (al-mal), 
(iii) The theory of ownership (al-milkiyyah) and 
(iv) The theory of contract (al-caqd). 

These four theories shall enlighten the reader on the required legal capacity that must be occupied by the contracting parties, the nature of property from Islamic perspective, the relationship between a property and its owner as well as the framework of Sharicah-compliant contract.
Email:; Tel: 06-794 6394; Hp: 019-2234502

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